Arrow for Engineering Solutions


NEW FOA Certification in Fiber Testing : CFOS/T


 Basic & Advanced

 Fiber Certification programs by FOA

Our Clients

About us


ARROW FOR ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS (AES), is a limited liability Jordanian company, LLC. It was established in 2019 to provide state of the art professional services in TRAINING ,CONSULTATIONS and TELECOM SOLUTIONS by a group of hands- on experts, accredited consultants and certified instructors.

Our Team

Arrow For Engineering Solutions has been established by a group of telecom experts who used to work for the main mobile and ISP local and regional companies and contributed in their success stories during the last 30 years.

Our Partners

Selected professional telecom contractors, who are the execution arm to deploy the tailor made solutions offered to our customers.

Talented Software development team to serve the automation and digitalization aspect of the provided solutions.

Global Suppliers with distinguished records in producing the required materials and equipments needed for the solutions.

What do we offer ?



Telecom Solutions

AES Fiber Academy

FOA is an international non-profit educational organization founded in 1995, its main role is to promote and spread fiber optic technology worldwide.  FOA has been approved in over 40 countries, and has successfully graduated around 96,326 technologists; they are contributing in building mature fiber networks at various industries. FOA is also an internationally recognized certifying body committed to promote professionalism in fiber optics through education, certification and standards.
Arrow for Engineering Solutions (AES) is the first FOA-approved school in Jordan and Levant. We offer fiber training courses covering the theoretical and practical hands-on exercises at our labs by certified FOA instructors equipped with long field experience in fiber projects. CFOT, CFOS/D & CFOS/H Certification exams are held at AES premises in Amman by FOA under our administration. 
  • Certification program for CFOT®  

Certified Fiber Optic Technician – is the primary FOA certification level for all fiber optic technicians. it is the prerequisite for most of specialized CFOS certifications. The course is based on an extensive knowledge of fiber optics technology fundamentals, components, processes, and applications, as well as skills in appropriate tasks, such as outside plant and premises installations; It includes also the hands on training sessions to ensure splicing and testing skills in addition to familiarization on all related tools and accessories used in the fiber works.
  • Certification program for CFOS/D  

Certified Fiber Optic Specialist in Design – is the advanced FOA certification level for fiber optic engineers working in the planning and design scope. The course is based on an extensive knowledge of fiber optics technology , selecting the proper fiber components, link budget calculations, dimensioning, planning the routes, managing the projects, planning the deployments, testing procedures and restoration plans. This applies to FTTH, outside plant and premises installations; It includes also practical case studies at various fiber networks.
    • NEW !!! Certification program for CFOS/H

Certified Fiber Optic Specialist in FTTH – Comprehensive training on fiber to the home applications including standards, network architecture, design, installation, FTTx PON Passive Optical Networks, components, and testing. Practical sessions including case studies and network simulations.
Certified FOA members worldwide
135 +
Certified FOA members in Jordan
90 %
Success rate in FOA exam
For more information about AES courses schedule, please refer to [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] or call: 00962 788002361 – 00962 788002373