طاقمنا التدريبي

مجموعة من الفنيين والمهندسين ، الذين تتجاوز الخبرة العملية لكل منهم العشرون عاما في مجال الاتصالات. وقد شاركوا بالتنفيذ والتخطيط والصيانة والتشغيل في مشاريع الألياف البصرية لدي مشغلي الاتصالات الرئيسيين في الأردن (زين وأورانج وأمنية) بالإضافة إلى بناء البنية التحتية للاتصالات في الجهات الحكومية والخاصة. وقد قاموا بتقديم الدورات التدريبية في الجانبين العملي والنظري لمئات العاملين في هذا المجال.

Our training crew also includes distinguished team specialized in mobile radio technologies in addition to the latest hot topics in telecommunications and the emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence , Big Data, Cloud computing, and Block chain.

fiber optical network cable background

Some of the delivered courses & Seminars

  • Fundamental and advanced microwave planning” 
  • Fiber fundamentals and planning techniques
  • Fiber deployment and testing techniques.
  •  DWDM and FTTH planning
  • FOA Certified Fiber courses {CFOT, CFOS/Design, CFOS/H-FTTH)
  • Artificial Intelligence, AI
Fiber Optic Cable Connection with Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing machine

اجراء فحوصات الاستلام في مصاتع الفايبر

  •  القيام بالعديد من زيارات مصانع كوابل الالياف الضوئية واجراء الفحوصات الفنية اللازمة في عدة دول منها الصين وتركيا والاردن ومسقط
Fiber Optic Cable Connection with Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing machine

المشاريع المنفذة بالفايبر


  • - مشاريع كبرى

البرنامج الوطني للاتصالات ، شركة سيمنز

شبكة الخلوي للبنية التحتية في زين

شبكة البنية التحتية للجيل الثالث والرابع في أمنية

شبكات الفايبر المنزلي ، باتلكو

  • - المئات من المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة لانشاء خطوط الفايبر في اماكن مختلفة من الاردن 

طاقمنا التدريبي

باسل العمري

 25+ years telecom expert and certified trainer in the fiber and transmission fields at the main mobile operators in Jordan in addition to regional experience with international companies.

صالح الزغول

 30+ years fiber expert technician who started his career with the earliest fiber projects deployed in Jordan by royal Jordanian airforce teams to establish the early fiber telecom network connecting military and civilian telecom entities.

وليد الزعبي

More than(17) years experience in Telecommunication and fiber optical communication projects in different private and governmental bodies in Jordan. 



غسان كيوان

Fiber Technician with 15+ years experience in splicing, installation, termination, training and maintenance of fiber optic networks at governmental and mobile companies networks in Jordan. Member of the fiber acceptance team for the governmental national broadband network interconnecting all entities with north region of Jordan.

Dr. Rami Ibrahim

Assistant Professor and Artificial Intelligence Trainer

Rami Ibrahim holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Carleton University, Canada. His research interests include Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, and Data Visualization. He received several awards, including The Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship (QEII) in 2017, 

باسل العمري

⇒ A competent professional with 25 years’ experience in Operations Management, Network Design, Planning, Engineering and Technical Support in the Telecom Sector (Optical/Microwave).

⇒ Expert in Jordan and regional telecom sector, worked for Orange Jordan, Lucent KSA, Zain Jordan, Umniah and finally as Executive Director at TechLine fiber Factory before starting ARROW.

⇒ Consultant Engineer certificate Rank / (JCPQA) Jordan higher Council for Professional Qualification & Accreditation.

⇒ Representative of the telecom industrial sector at multiple local academic councils.

⇒ Key role in leading Mega telecom projects: 3G/4G launch, Jordan Schools connectivity, international backbone connectivity, establish enterprise access and backbone network, Jordan/Iraq Satellite connectivity (Zain); Fiber national program (JT).

⇒ Network Planning and engineering to secure optimum availability and achieve short, mid, long-term goals while keeping the tight balance between budget challenges and market requirements.

⇒ Hands on experience of planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Optical and Microwave Networks. Evaluating end-user requirements, build custom tailored solutions.

⇒ Building Technical and commercial tenders documents, evaluation and awarding for Mega projects, heading tendering committees, setting scoring criteria, handling agreements, contractual customization and negotiation activities.

⇒ An effective communicator with exceptional management skills, ability to relate to people at any level of business and management.

⇒ Certified trainer, facilitator, run soft skill and technical sessions.

⇒ Co-Founder of (TEQ) Telecom Engineer Qualification program in Jordan Engineers Association (JEA).

⇒ Board member of the industrial advisory committee at ZUJ, PSUT & GJU Universities.

⇒ Scientific Research Committee at Alzaytoonah Jordanian University, ZUJ

overview of delivered Training Courses and seminars

“Fiber fundamentals and installations techniques” for telecom technicians and engineers

– “Advanced fiber technology and planning techniques.”  for telecom engineers

 -“Technical for Non-technical” series of courses to Zain employees 2005- 2006

– “Microwave Planning for Mobile Operators” series of training courses at JEA 2008-2015

– “Telecom market trends and challenges” workshop at IEEE conference 2019

– “Internet opportunities and challenges” workshop at Albeshr center 2019

– “Qualifying telecom Engineers Program” keynote speaker at Arab ICT forum, Bahrain 2016

– “FTTH versus Wireless in Jordan, challenges and opportunities” workshop, JIEEE 2015

– “Jordan and global markets view for Jordan Telecom Engineers”, BAU IEEE live FB, 2020

– “Telecommunication Qualification Program for German market” 2020

صالح الزغول

– Graduated from Prince Faisal Royal Air force in 1987.

– Professional training covering both the on -job practical and theory courses.

Experience track:

– Freelancer (9 years) : Fusion Splicing, testing and Maintenance in addition to Trainer for several fiber fundamental and practical courses.
– Ciscom, STS, Unitel local contracting companies for 5 years: Optical fusion splicing, testing and maintenance 2011.
– International suppliers ALCATEL Jordan, SIEMENS Nigeria for 1 year.
– Royal Airforce 18 years: Fiber deployments, testing and maintenance.



وليد الزعبي

1. more than(10) years experience in Telecommunication and Electronics (analysis, evaluation, pricing) project documents and executing projects. 2. (4)years experience in fiber optical communication projects (Tamkeen company) in different places in Jordan. 3. Optical Transmission Networks (,Fiber optical cables ( Single Mode & Multi Mode)) ; Surveying , Installation. 4. Knowledge in planning and implementing Outside fiber cable project (OSP) for both (Areal & underground) . Good knowledge in Fiber optical technology. especially passive components (splitters, Distribution & Feeder fiber cable, ODFs, Fiber Enclosures, Pigtails, fiber Patch cords. and outside cabinets).  Knowledge in fiber optical cable civil works (indoor/outdoor); that include (trenching ,back filling Hand holes, Manholes, and the installation of (Trays, racks, and Cabinets, Ducts, …).  Good knowledge in Fiber cable test equipments : OTDR ,LASER SOURCE , POWER METER ,VFL, , Optical Inspection Probe and SPLICE Machine. 8. Good skills in Human Resource and Procurement Management. 9. Work as a trainer for fiber optic cables and fiber cable test equipments ( 3 years).  Participate in many seminars in fiber optics witch including theory and practice on fiber

غسان كيوان

  • Graduated from Prince Faisal Royal Air force
    Technical college in1995, attended extensive training courses such as: 
  • Technical college in1995, attended extensive training courses such as:
  • Telekom Ltd. Kaysri, Turkey)       
  • FIBER OPTICAL CABLE (splicing, installing and maintenance at USA)

Dr. Rami Ibrahim

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) in 2019-2021, and NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) in 2021. He has published several peer-reviewed research papers in journals, conferences, and workshops, served on technical program committee of several conferences and workshops, and co-organized conferences and workshops. Rami has twelve years of experience in software development and database administration and has a proven ability to lead government projects and large-scale solutions. Moreover, Rami has six years of teaching emerging technology courses like multimedia data management, dynamic data visualization, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.